Learn more about the RONDO 3 AudioStream Adaptor... more
Recently two of our staff headed up to Chesterfield to work alongside the Derbyshire Peripatetic Teacher of the Deaf team to deliver a workshop to a group of primary aged deaf pupi... more
Come and get your rollerskates on and join us for a fun afternoon at RollerWorld in Derby. more
An opportunity for those considering a cochlear implant for their child to learn more about life from a young person’s perspective. Hosted by Freya, who is a bi-lateral cochlear im... more
We may not have had the weather on our side....but we still had a lot of fun at our Family Fun Day on Saturday. more
On Monday a bunch of us headed over to the Mill Adventure Base for a fun filled day of climbing, zip wire, archery, kata kanuing and some splashing and swimming. more
Monday 29th was HOT HOT HOT! But that didn't stop our footballing champions from taking part in the Nottingham Forest Football Club Soccer School. more
Come and join us for the afternoon to have a tour around the Derby County Football Stadium. more
Come and join us for our annual Family Fun Day at Colwick Country Park, fun for all the family, games to play, meet with friends old and new, and bring a picnic to enjoy! We will a... more
On Saturday we went tenpin bowling in Derby and had so much fun! more