Last Saturday, 16 Hear Together kids got together to battle it out in Laser Quest!

Great fun was had by all trying to find good hiding spots to ‘shoot' from. The group also had a chance to team up and battle it out on the climbing wall. We ended the session choosing our own adventure on a Virtual Reality game. It was great fun to see so many youngsters getting involved and having so much fun together making new friends.

As some of the parents said, “My child doesn't get to do any of the activities his sibling does because he doesn't have the support, but he gets the support that he needs here and we all just love coming”.

The event was also a great chance for parents to catch up – as one parent said, “We just like getting together with other families who understand”.

So if you would like to join us at our next event, keep an eye on our webpage!

We have an online social on the 23rd March for primary and secondary age children, and then we're off to Highfields Park in April for an afternoon of outdoor activities for all the family! Hope to see you there!