What a great time we had at Alter Rock Climbing Centre in Derby last Saturday 25th March 2023

We had 4 different activities: We used head torches to get around the dark tunnel trail. The air walk required us to slide, step and balance along a track of different obstacles. It was tough but so much fun. And of course we did some billeted climbing up a high wall as well as some bouldering. It was great to see 30 children and young people in total, aged 4 – 18 and we said a huge thank you to 3 of our deaf young leaders for joining us, Dain, Hollie and Charley. Hear Together really is one large family. There were some new faces and lots of old faces. It was great to catch up with each other and to make friends. Quite a few of the parents stayed on site and really enjoyed encouraging and cheering everyone on. The day was about having a good time together with old and new friends, doing some pretty (well actually very ) challenging things and feeling proud of ourselves. Lots of fab fun.

Our next sessions this summer are Saturday May 20th and Saturday July 1st 2023. Please put them in your diary now.

Email info@heartogether.org.uk if you want to find out anything further about our work with children and adults and their families.